b'Veteran OwndedleSb maasilD le Bc i i s uv r e S ns s eC V EPHMB is the Ideal AntimicrobialBenefits of PHMB Wound irrigation with PHMB has shown significant reduction of SSI rates.13 Efficacy of PHMB has been demonstrated against gram + and grambacteria.15 Its antimicrobial effect is not impaired even with high loads of blood albumin.11Highest scores for wound tolerability in terms of vascular reaction were achieved by PHMB.9PHMB (Polyhexanide) stimulated wound healing.9PHMB solutions potent antimicrobial properties, low host cell cytotoxicity, broad-spectrum activity, ability to perforate biofilms and minimal susceptibility to pathogen resistance create case for use of PHMB rinse to decontaminate and promote healing within wounds.17Chemical structure of PHMB is similar to that of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) produced by many cells such as keratinocytes and inflammatory neutrophils, thought to help protect against infection.Proliferation of fibroblasts and keratinocytes is stimulated by PHMB.13 PHMB does not affect stainless steel or anodized aluminum.11Cleansing wound prior to skin closure has been found to reduce rate of SSI.15PHMB Wound Irrigation is the Best Option Consensus #1 choice for Prevention of SSI, Critically Colonized Wounds, Wounds at Risk of Infection, Decontamination of Acute & Chronic Wounds and Burns.9In orthopedic surgery, most frequently used antiseptic is PHMB.16 PHMB may be one of the best eligible antiseptics for treatment of septic joints.16Cleansing the wound with PHMB prior to skin closure has been found to reduce the rate of SSI.15Significant decreases of MRSA in wounds treated with PHMB provides its viability as wound rinse that is superior to other products.17Global Consensus on Wound Antisepsis: Update 2018946 Prontosan'