b'Identifying a Safe and Cost Effective Solution for theReduction of Wound Infection Following Surgery.Mark Froimson, MD, MBA SSI Remains One of the Most Important UnsolvedProblems in Surgery Approximately 50 million surgeries performed annually each year in the USAFrom 2006 - 2009, approximately 1.9% of patients developed SSI1Some surgical specialties, like Colorectal, can yield SSI rates up to 30%30 Thank YouSSI accounted for 23% of all HAIs reported to the NHSN.2Distribution ofProcedure-Associated Infections Reported to theNational Healthcare Safety Network by Type of Surgery240.5% 22.5% 21.9% 9.6% 2.4%Aionx Antimicrobial Technologies, Inc. Orthopedic Abdominal Cardiac OBGYN Neurological515 Rear West Chocolate Avenue Hershey, PA 17033 p: 888-512-4669|e: contact@aionx.com aionx.com 1.5% 1.0% 0.4% 0.1% 0.1%Vascular Transplant Breast Neck OtherProntosan 41'